Foldable Pocket Magnifiers

Foldable pocket magnifiers are handy to carry in a pocket for quick spot reading.  The lenses folds up to into a protective shell prevent scratching, which allows them to be safely carried in a pocket.  The higher the power, the closer the reading material must be held to the eye. There is a range of devices and powers available from about 2.5X to 12X. 


Mobilent  Magnifiers by Eschenbach

These handy folding magnifiers have been very helpful for our achromats. They are made in Germany with high quality aspheric PXM lenses in powers of 4X, 7X and 10X. They can be carried in a pocket or purse safety. A concealed eyelet allows a necklace to be attached.


 Precision Folding Magnifiers

These have been used for many years in industry and by low vision patients. They are handy to carry in a pocket for quick spot reading.  They come with single lens for with two lenses that can be used separately or together to reach higher magnification powers.


Folding Pocket Magnifier  1177-5  5X power


Folding Pocket Magnifier 1176-10  10X power with achromatic lenses to elimnate extraneous color.


Folding Pocket Magnifier 1187 4X and 6X or combine 10X



1109 Eschenbach Folding Magnifier   10X power



Eschenbach 9870-B  This high quality German magnifier can be used with either one of two or two lenses or with both lenses together to reach the power needed.  These are 3X magnification, 6X magnification or together as 9X magnification. It can be mounted on a neck cord. This system mimimizes distortion.